January 7, 2020
Click on the link to support the MCM Cheerleaders and order some great MCM apparel. MCM Link ORDERS DUE JANUARY 13th! Under student/player enter one of the MCM Cheerleaders na...

November 5, 2019
The MCM Basketball team store is now active online. Orders are due by midnight on Monday, November 18th. These orders will arrive to the school by mid-December. https://mcmbasket...

October 3, 2019
The Third Graders had an exciting time learning about farm safety at SOFY. The FFAers did a wonderful job!
October 1, 2019
Champions of Characters: Friendship High School Septembers champions of character - Abby, Madison, Mason, and Aspen. Middle School- Josie and Olivia
August 26, 2019
Request For Proposals
The Montrose School District is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) from firms interested in providing products and services for an Energy Performanc...
August 23, 2019
Congratulations to the following students for competing in and placing in the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation competition. The students placed Gold, Silver, or Bronze in ...
August 21, 2019
The k-2 staff!
August 5, 2019
Montrose is partnering with Feeding South Dakota’s Backpack Program to provide food to children for the school year. The program will begin in September and continue through the e...
July 24, 2019
Any families interested in applying for free and reduced lunch please print the attached application and submit it to the business office. Application