Career Exploration is learning all about employability skills, such as communication & teamwork, in the form of the activity, Human Knot!
over 4 years ago, Chelsea Kruse
Figuring out how to communicate as a team.
Untangled by the end!
The Animal Science class have been learning about the external anatomy of common livestock species.
over 4 years ago, Dusty Dykstra
Animal Science class anatomy project
Animal Science class anatomy project
The first Montrose FFA Chapter meeting will be held at 7pm Monday, September 9 at the Montrose School Commons. The meeting will consist of pizza provided by the chapter and information from our chapter officers on opportunities in FFA.
over 4 years ago, Dusty Dykstra
The C Team Football Jamboree on Saturday, Sept. 7 has been cancelled. All of the teams are unable to attend due to injuries or a lack of numbers.
over 4 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
We have added a 7/8 Football game to the schedule. We will play on September 9th at 4:00 pm at Howard. There will be one combined game.
over 4 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
New Montrose School District app is available to download in your App Store today! Search Montrose School in the App Store to add it to your device!
over 4 years ago, Kim Peterson
New App
A huge thank you to Les Dose and Bonnie Berghorst for donating instruments to the Music Department! If you have an instrument deep in your closet that hasn't been touched in years, we would love to put it to good use! #DonateToday #MusicfortheKids
over 4 years ago, Courtney Hentges
No Guts, No Glory!! Finding out how much anatomy students know about the body on day 3.
over 4 years ago, Tiffany Kroeger
Look at that femur!
Don't draw on me!
Where's the petella?
Ta Da!
Fall Sports Pictures will be Monday, Sept. 9 after school in Salem. Follow the link below to place your orders online or use the paper forms that will be sent home with the athletes. Questions? Contact Mark's: (605) 724-2559
over 4 years ago, Jeff Heisinger
Happy First Day of School! The 5-12 band students will be receiving catalogs this week to start off our first fundraiser of the school year! We are selling Montrose apparel, and we took the constructive criticism from last year and moved from mostly red clothing, to greys, whites, and blacks. I've attached the catalog in case you don't get seen by a student, because everything is online this year. Head on over to to support the music department today to help us reach our goal! Thanks in advance, and let me know if you have any questions!
over 4 years ago, Courtney Hentges
If you are in need of receiving weekend food packs on Fridays, please complete the Backpack Program form and return it to school as soon as possible. Dispersement will begin Aug. 29th.
over 4 years ago, Kim Kappenman
Reminder for all Dual Credit students: please login to your school email to access information to help you get started on your class. You may need to order a book or two before school starts. Let Mrs. Kappenman know if you need help with anything.
over 4 years ago, Kim Kappenman
The annual open house is scheduled for August 15 from 6pm-8pm. We are changing the format there is no meal, but we will have cookies and juice available. Plan to stop by and get all your back to school forms taken care of. Hope you had a great summer.
almost 5 years ago, Kim Peterson